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1. ETHA Exchange Platform

Our exchange platform is very user friendly with 365X24X7 support.

You can send and receive cryptocurrency instantly.

from @Sawayn

200 USD — 0.0127 LTC

to @Borer

80 USD — 0.0043 BTC

from @Adell

250 USD — 0.0142 ETH

2. Annual Investor Summit 2021

ETHA Remit Summit 2021

Currency of the Future?

At the ETHA Summit, you will have the opportunity to learn about cryptocurrencies, in order to better appreciate why they are now being widely recognized as a gold rush for banks and governments, as well as how you can stand out as an investor in a gold rush.

We put together the world’s best experts in blockchain and cryptocurrencies to discuss how often companies, technologies, and procedures are being profoundly reliant on them, allowing us to be innovative or perish.

Organized by ETHA, a world leader in education and money and lifestyle workshops, the summit will explore the finer points of cryptocurrencies and help you turn your job into money.

Features - What You Should Expect?

Aim of the Summit

The Basics

What is cryptocurrency and more importantly, what is the technology behind it?

Blockchain technology

How Blockchain technology is changing the way we bank, transact, pay and consume.

For Your Business

How you can use Blockchain technology in your businesses. This could be the future of your business.

Digital Currencies

The potential of digital currencies in both developing and developed economies.

Cryptocurrency Mining

Cryptocurrency Mining: getting started as an individual.


How regulatory bodies worldwide react to cryptocurrency, and how to overcome.

Get started with ETHA Remit today.

Download ETHA App

Take the first step towards financial freedom

The mobile app would enable users to monitor their funds and key access will be held through multi-signature signatures. A backup encryption passphrase allows access to all supported coins, only by the recipient.